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Ways to allocate time for mothers

 Ways to allocate time for mothers

Some women promote the misconception that “self-care” is times spent in the bathtub with colorful bubbles, massages and spa sessions, and nail and hair care

Although it is an important ritual, self-care is about meeting your physical, psychological, and social needs, and setting aside times to maintain your health, by sleeping, eating nutritious food, exercising, bathing, and adhering to medications and vitamins

?Why should you make special time for yourself

A person's basic needs may seem simple things, but for a mother, they are a distant dream, especially with a new baby, as the mother puts the needs of her children above her own, at the times when she needs someone to care for her most. Many women lose their sense of self, and self-care becomes selfish, and neglecting oneself is a sacrifice

“In Time for Mom: 5 Essential Self-Care Strategies” and we heard mothers say that they have heard many stories about women ignoring their body pain and neglecting to seek medical attention, which has led to serious health problems, advising mothers to schedule annual checkups, mammograms, and skin exams, Pap smears, and going to the dentist for an annual checkup and cleaning

Self-care is not pure self-care. If you want your children to sleep well, eat well, take care of themselves, and do their hobbies, they need to see their mother doing those things. Instead, physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion will make you more vulnerable to physical illness and maternal burnout. It is chronic pressure from the duties of motherhood, with which the mother becomes separated from herself

?How do you find your own time

Say no: You cannot perform all the tasks, so do not try. You may feel guilty when you refuse, because you are not doing everything that is required of you, but you must know when to refuse, reduce the number of your tasks, and try to allocate at least one day during the week free of anything. After school activity

Teach your child independence: Let your child do some things without your help, even if it seems difficult. Raising an independent and responsible child will make him proud of his achievements, and relieve you of the burden of monitoring him all the time

Stay away from your children a little: Find a weekly activity program for mothers outside the home, and ask a family member or friend to babysit the child for an hour or two. There are also mother and child programs, intended for new mothers who cannot go out without their babies for the first year

Seek help from your husband: Your husband wants to help you, but he does not know how, so use the “Google Calendar” application to divide the household burdens between you, and make sure that each of you enjoys your private time

Realistic self-care plans

Mothers feel isolated from family and friends after a year of breastfeeding and difficulty moving around, and they do not find support when returning to work after maternity leave, so call your friend who makes you laugh until tears fall from your eyes, and try to agree on a date to meet in a children’s park, to let the little ones play while Drink coffee, avoid meeting negative people who do not support you, and make sure that the majority of people in your life support you and do not judge every decision you make for the sake of your family

Practice mindfulness and meditation. These are things that are not limited to yoga classes, but you can integrate them into your daily routine. Just 10 minutes of calm and relaxation, with or without music, during which you contemplate nature, or go to buy coffee with a delicious breakfast, or lie on the floor, or whatever. A ritual you choose to help you feel focused and regain balance during the day

The mother prepares breakfast every day for her children, and does not find time to eat a similar breakfast, but there is no harm in paying attention to and preparing a nutritious breakfast instead of preserved foods, and drink water instead of soda, and prepare the menu weekly to facilitate the preparation of lunch, and base your diet on green vegetables, because if Providing your body with what it needs will function best

Consider treating yourself only occasionally by purchasing a delicious piece of chocolate, a new book, or a relaxing packet of tea

The most successful managers know that doing nothing for a while may help them perform required tasks faster and more efficiently later. Thus, you can not be “productive” for a while, cancel some tasks that can be postponed for another day, and relax for a while, to recharge

Facebook is not a place to spend “self-care” time. Recent reports by the Pew Research Center found that 51% of children feel that the phone distracts their parents, and this is true. By browsing social media sites, you put unrealistic excessive pressure on yourself, by reading embellished posts about the ideal mother, because Moms don't write posts about their frustrating days when their kids flush toys down the toilet

Take 10 minutes each night to write a list of the next day's tasks. Lists will help you remember, organize the day, clear your mind, and relieve stress from tomorrow. In the morning, decide what are the 3 most important things to do in the day, and cross out 3 things that you will not do. This will help you regain control of your day, and carve out some time for yourself

Mothers live with lack of sleep, and some believe that fatigue due to lack of sleep is something that only new mothers experience, but mothers can be exhausted due to lack of sleep and rest, so regardless of the ages of your children, they need a good night’s sleep, and you too, because without Good sleep. You will not be ready to face another day of quarrels and changing diapers. Agree with your husband on days in which you will not respond to the children’s cries at night, so that he can do that task

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