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Ways to organize time for studying

 Ways to organize time for studying

Preparing study schedules: Study schedules help organize study time and complete all academic requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to schedule the tasks that the student is required to complete into weekly schedules that include academic and non-scholarly assignments for each day of the week, then create daily schedules in which the assignments are distributed over the available hours of the day. When implementing these schedules, implementation must be flexible, as unexpected obstacles may arise, or additional tasks that are not included in these schedules. Therefore, it must be dealt with flexibly by reformatting schedules to get back on track as soon as possible

Set a time to complete tasks
When determining daily academic tasks, it is preferable to set a specific time period for each task, as restricting the time needed to complete a task is one of the best time management techniques, as this increases the student’s focus while completing the task, making him more committed and productive. It also helps him avoid doing other things. Side effects that waste time, thus completing the task on time with the best possible results
Setting realistic goals

Sometimes the student sets many and exhausting tasks in his study schedules, which are usually unrealistic goals that cannot be accomplished in the time allotted for them. This reflects negatively on the student’s morale during his studies. He feels that he is not accomplishing what he must accomplish, so he becomes frustrated and the tasks pile up and he is unable to complete his studies. To complete the necessary ones in the required time; Therefore, instead of exaggerating what can be achieved, we should set small, realistic goals that are easy to achieve. Going slowly is better than not progressing at all
Divide large tasks

Some academic tasks cause fatigue for the student due to their difficulty or magnitude, so it is recommended to divide large tasks into smaller tasks that can be implemented in a short time, as this helps facilitate the student’s completion of the task, and focus on the small parts to do them correctly, and also helps to get rid of stress. Postponing due to feeling that the task is difficult and requires a long time
Focus on one task

While studying, it is recommended to focus on one task at a time, which is one of the important ways to manage time correctly. Doing more than one task together or going back and forth between the required tasks leads to wasting a lot of time, reducing concentration, and doubling the effort needed to accomplish the task
Set rest periods

Taking rest periods while studying is very important, as this helps to regain activity and focus. This is because the body needs rest from time to time, usually after an average of 90 minutes of continuous study, and this occurs in the form of a feeling of hunger, sleepiness, or boredom. Among the tips that help to take advantage of the rest time are: Going out to breathe fresh air, which contributes to enhancing productivity and energy
Getting rid of distractions

Distractions cause loss of focus and time while studying. Therefore, it must be disposed of before starting the study. Such as turning off the mobile phone and television, cutting off social media or any means used to communicate with friends, and other means that affect attention while studying
How to organize study time when sleeping hours are irregular

The 24-hour sleep-wake cycle in the human body is known as the biological clock, which in some circumstances is exposed to imbalance due to stress and studying for long and irregular periods, which can become more disturbed during the distance learning process. The learner finds himself following social media platforms and websites that cause him distraction and waste of time. Accordingly, alerts must be set to help the learner limit the time that is wasted due to these stressful distractions that have a negative impact on the time of studying and sleeping
:The best tips regarding organizing study times when sleeping irregularly are

Maintaining a healthy study environment and healthy sleep, by obtaining good lighting during study hours. When a person is exposed to light, the brain stops producing melatonin, or what is known as the sleep hormone
Practice relaxation exercises, such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing; Which will help your body get rid of cortisol or the stress hormone, the effect of which is greatly reflected in irregular sleeping hours and thus affecting study

Establish a specific and regular routine for studying during specific times. Regularity in studying will automatically lead to regular sleep and improvement of its quality

Taking advantage of the times during which the student is active and has a high ability to concentrate and study, which will reduce the impact of irregular sleep on
his academic performance
Students are exposed to many academic problems, the most prominent of which is the irregularity of study hours. Study times can be organized in many and varied ways, the most important of which are: Establishing an organized study schedule helps complete all academic requirements, in addition to setting realistic goals to be achieved

A specific time away from many and cumbersome tasks. Dividing large tasks into smaller ones leads to their completion and implementation within a short time. Focusing on one task is also one of the most important tips for organizing study and managing time correctly
It is worth noting the importance of eliminating distractions such as the phone and browsing the Internet, which cause loss of concentration and time while studying, in addition to organizing study time when sleeping time is irregular
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